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Walk with L’Arche

Walk with L’Arche

The 18th annual Vickar Automotive Group’s Walk with L’Arche on May 7, 2022 will be a virtual event again this year. Registration and Pledge forms can be picked up at the L’Arche Winnipeg office or at L’Arche Tova Cafe, or you can register online. Registrations is free this year. You can also download/print forms here:  Registration Form  –  Pledge Form

You can request a free Walk T-shirt by collect $100 in pledges and submitting that amount, with your registration form, to the L’Arche office by April 11, 2022.

All the Walk details can be found in our current Gratitude Newsletter – February 2022

You can make a Walk donation by credit card here, through: CanadaHelps.org  Please choose “Walk with L’Arche” as the FUND, and add “for the Walk” and the name of the person you are sponsoring (if applicable) in the “private message to us” section of the online donation process.

Categories: Community